MetaUtility - Utility Functions for Conducting and Interpreting Meta-Analyses
Contains functions to estimate the proportion of effects stronger than a threshold of scientific importance (function prop_stronger), to nonparametrically characterize the distribution of effects in a meta-analysis (calib_ests, pct_pval), to make effect size conversions (r_to_d, r_to_z, z_to_r, d_to_logRR), to compute and format inference in a meta-analysis (format_CI, format_stat, tau_CI), to scrape results from existing meta-analyses for re-analysis (scrape_meta, parse_CI_string, ci_to_var).
Last updated 3 years ago
3.40 score 2 dependents 21 scripts 769 downloadsSimTimeVar - Simulate Longitudinal Dataset with Time-Varying Correlated Covariates
Flexibly simulates a dataset with time-varying covariates with user-specified exchangeable correlation structures across and within clusters. Covariates can be normal or binary and can be static within a cluster or time-varying. Time-varying normal variables can optionally have linear trajectories within each cluster. See ?make_one_dataset for the main wrapper function. See Montez-Rath et al. <arXiv:1709.10074> for methodological details.
Last updated 7 years ago
1.11 score 13 scripts 125 downloads